Psychogenealogy, in contrast with the doctrine of the “Tabula Rasa” (blank slate), offers us a key to self-knowledge that transcends our mere experience of the world.


Sociobiology affirms that when we leave this world, our genes live on in our biological relatives.  Expanding on this theme, psychogenealogy points to our inherited psychology: our genealogical baggage.  Unresolved issues and psychological traumas experienced by our ancestors are passed down through the subsequent generations, along with our genetic makeup.  These issues and traumas are not only unresolved, but are very much alive and thrive on negative emotions.  Eckhart Tolle named this transgenerational phenomenon the “pain body”, and described its addictive quality.


The collective unconscious of a family system holds all the emotional patterns and the residual energy that will continue to negatively impact the lineage until it is brought to the light of awareness and healed.  Practical evidence of this concept has been realized in the results obtained from psychological case studies on adoption. [Read More...]


We now know that mind and body are so inter-connected, even intertwined, that the physical out picturing of these emotional patterns (through a variety of health issues) can naturally also be dissolved. As we become aware that we can drop the burdens that don’t belong to us, our physical as well as our emotional health is bound to improve. Psychogenealogy helps us to discover our own identity, so we can align ourselves with our purpose. By so doing, the process of individuation becomes the catalyst, thus prompting the emergence of previously stifled gifts, talents and abilities, along with their unlimited potential.



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