This animated story depicts the events, which accidentally led me to a most important discovery. Several years ago, I devised a family chart to help clients identify the source of conflict or complicity with other members. This idea proved to be most helpful in observing the effects of the interactions between the color-coded numbers. Throughout the decoding process, individuals are continually being drawn to recognize aspects, traits and qualities, which they share with others in the group. The message being reiterated is how much more self-knowledge we can acquire by choosing to see ourselves as inter-connected. The chart also points out multi generational patterns in families.


It has been an amazing experience for me to witness the transformation which takes place in families as each group pours over their own blueprint, which describes aspects of belongingness for a shared soul journey. Although much information would be revealed through the interpretation of a chart, which offers the numbers data alone, I must admit that the effect caused by adding colours by far surpassed my own anticipated results. I quickly realized that when people work with colours, they automatically switch to their right brain, thereby accessing their feelings. 


On this particular day, I was assisting a family whose members were in crisis as they were unable to resolve issues from the past. I was observing and listening as these ladies were describing the information they gleaned from the chart and cross-referencing their experiences. This exercise led them to a spontaneous exchange of real and honest feelings, at a level, which they had never been able to achieve before. They had definitely crossed an important threshold. I must admit it took me a few hours to realize the full implications of what I had just witnessed.


As I was mulling over what I had just seen, the image that I was entertaining in my mind was that we had had an experience that resembled what I remembered from the movie ‘Raising the Titanic’. Issues which are deeply buried in the subconscious mind, are like the Titanic ship on the ocean floor. It was impossible to pull it up from its sunken position, until a new approach was engineered. The short version is that appropriate size balloons were inflated and strategically placed to create buoyancy, thus finally raising the ship to the surface.


Well, the more I thought of it, the more I could envision that the colours on the chart had had the same effect. The colours had created buoyancy and raised the issues to the surface so they could be exposed and dealt with.


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